The Amidah Prayer
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What are the guidelines for davening in front of pets? Should I ignore the pet or should I find a solution to get rid of it?
Changes in Tefilla for those Visiting Israel?
I hope to visit Israel this summer. Should I say “morid hatal” in Shemoneh Esrei like Israelis, and should I continue to say Baruch Hashem L’olam at Ma’ariv? -
When to Say Yehiyu L’ratzon
Does Yehiyu L’ratzon come before or after Elokai Netzor and/or personal requests at the end of Shemoneh Esrei? -
Davening in Front of a Mirror
People are davening in their homes, again. Is Davening in front of a mirror problematic? -
How Does the Chazan Act During Modim D’Rabbanan?
I have seen some chazanim wait, during their Modim, at “l’olam va’ed” for the tzibbur to finish Modim D’Rabanan. That seems to make the most sense, so everyone can hear all of Modim. Should everyone be doing that? -
How to Time Vatikin?
When minyanim closed, I started davening vatikin (starting Shemoneh Esrei (=SE) at hanetz hachama (sunrise=netz)). If I do not know precisely when netz is, is it better to err on the side of starting SE before or after netz? -
Personal Requests on Shabbat
What types of requests are prohibited on Shabbat? Is davening for peace and tranquility in one’s own words permitted? -
Personal Thanks in Shemoneh Esrei
Following our grandchild’s birth, I have been adding personal thanks to HaShem in “Modim.” Is it appropriate to do so on Shabbat?
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